II seminarium Polskiego Oddziału IEEE SMC

9 listopada 2017 r. na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym we Wrocławiu odbyło się drugie seminarium Polskiego Oddziału IEEE SMC. Podczas seminarium dr inż, Marcin Hernes wygłosił wykład po tytułem "Collective knowledge integration  of cognitive agents in management information systems":

Execution of a process supporting making decisions using the cognitive multiagent management information systems entails the need of permanent cooperation between agents’ collectives. Their knowledge is acquired from autonomous and distributed sources and they use different decision support methods therefore certain level of heterogeneity characterizes knowledge of collectives. In the decision-making process one, final decision is required therefore knowledge of individual members of the collective shall be automatically integrated.

The aim of the seminar is to present consensus method in order to integrate knowledge of agent collectives in a multiagent financial decision support system built with the use of cognitive agent architecture.